CHAPTEE III. ENEEGY. AN Energy is a power which resists or retards aggregative motion, while it initiates or accelerates separative motion, in two or more particles of ponderable matter or of the ethereal medium. All particles, or aggregates of particles, not actually in contact with one another in stable equilibrium at the absolute zero of temperature, are kept apart by an Energy or separative Power of some sort, which prevents them from aggregating as they would otherwise do under the influence of the Forces inherent in them. Thus the moon is prevented from falling upon the earth, and the earth from falling into the sun, by the Energy of their respective orbital motions. A ball shot from a cannon into the air is prevented from falling by the Energy of its upward flight. A red-hot poker has its particles kept apart by the Energy of heat. In every case, so soon as the Energy is dissipated (as hereafter explained) the ball yields tor electricit; In every case the Force which brought two or moi particles together in the first instance keeps the: united ever after, and must be neutralised by a equal Power of an opposite description before the can be disjoined.